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Construction Giant Expands Horizons In The Big Apple

Upcoming News: Lendlease's New York Projects Make Waves

Construction Giant Expands Horizons in the Big Apple

Landmark Developments Reshape the New York Skyline

Lendlease, a global construction and development powerhouse, is poised to make a significant impact on the New York real estate landscape with a series of upcoming projects. The company, known for its innovative design and sustainable practices, has set its sights on transforming the city's skyline and revitalizing its communities.

One of the most anticipated developments is the construction of an affordable senior housing complex in the Bronx. This project, undertaken in collaboration with Extell Development, will provide much-needed housing for the city's aging population. The complex is designed to offer a safe and comfortable living environment, featuring state-of-the-art amenities and green spaces.


