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Spacex Starship Secures Commercial Launch License For Test Flight

SpaceX Starship Secures Commercial Launch License for Test Flight

Key Points

  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted commercial launch approval for SpaceX's fourth Starship test flight (IFT-4).
  • The mission will involve the Ship 29 spacecraft and Booster 11.
  • The flight is scheduled for potential launch within the next few weeks.


SpaceX's Starship program aims to develop a reusable spacecraft and heavy-lift launch vehicle for future space exploration missions. The third test flight (IFT-3) took place in March 2024, marking a significant milestone for the program.

The Starship Flight 4 mission will build upon the successes of previous test flights and provide valuable data for the development of the spacecraft. The FAA's approval allows SpaceX to proceed with this crucial phase of testing.
